Saturday 27 November 2010

Andreas Kocks


 paperwork #701G (in the beginning), 2007, graphite on paper.

 paperwork #506, 2005, paper.

 paperwork #704 (splatter), 2007, paper.

 paperwork #505, 2005, paper.

paperwork #703G (Canonball), 2007, graphite on paper.


Friday 26 November 2010

Sandra Backland

Paper in Design

 Ink Blot Test, 2007

Blank Page, 2005

Whilst looking at the idea of creating a collection of 3D wallpapers i found this artist, Sandra Backland. She plays to the idea of distorting the human body with techniques such as knits, folds, attaches and glues. The above images in particular will have a huge impact towards my wallpaper collection. Looking at Sandra Backlands work has inspired me to use the idea and techniques of origami.

Monday 22 November 2010

Innovation for Textile Pratice

Re-Invention of Traditional Skills
Screen Printing and 3D Manipulation
Screen Printing, Puff binder, Beading and Embroidery
Screen printing on masking tape
Screen Printing and 3D Manipulation
Screen Printing, stitch and manipulation

At university we were given a project to create innovative textiles by producing a range of samples and a sketch book to make a textile collection . I knew that my main technique would be screen printing but had the task of making each sample innovative and break textile traditions. The above images are a few of my final samples that i produced for my collection, they all include prints and have then been manipulated to make flat and 3D textiles. The samples have not been created for a specific industry as this was not in the brief, but i would consider them for Interior fabrics.